Geography, asked by rishavdrk7090, 1 year ago

How to conserve glacier?


Answered by Riyadevi
we can do below measures-
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Reduce garbage by choosing reusable products. If it is something that can’t be reused, try to purchase products with minimum packaging. Recycle paper, plastic, glass, newspaper, and aluminum.Save gas and walk more: When you save a gallon of gas you can help keep 20 pounds of CO2 out of the atmosphere. You also get lots of benefits by walking to the office, school, or grocery store.Plant a tree: Plants absorb CO2 and produce oxygen. Planting a tree can help balance the increases of CO2.Eat green: How much of the food in your grocery store is imported from across the world? Transportation is a major contributor of greenhouse gasses. Eat locally grown food to reduce transportation emissions.Use less heat and air conditioning: Use less air conditioning and heat, or just keeping your house 2 degrees lower in winter or 2 degrees higher in summer can make a big difference.Save electricity: Turn off the lights, television, PC, or any other electrical devices when not in use.Use less hot water: Simple social fixes like setting your water heater at 120 degrees, using low flow shower heads, washing your clothes in cold water, or using the energy saving setting on your dishwasher can go a long way.Inform others: Inform family, friends, and colleagues about how they can reduce their carbon footprint by following the tips above.
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Glaciers are important indicators of global warming and climate change in several ways. Melting ice sheets contribute to rising sea levels. The loss of glacial ice also reduces the amount of fresh water available for plants and animals that need fresh water to survive.

Save power at home by taking shorter showers, turning off the water while brushing your teeth, turning off lights when they are not in use, hanging laundry outside to dry and unplugging electronics when they are not being used.

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