how to convince our friends parents to do not take science nd not became a doctor
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A very common dilemma-We dream in our own way and at the same time parents and other concerned people too dream about us in their own way and suppress it over is because most of the parents over concern about their children.They wish their children to become doctors or engineers or reach in high level posts and to direct them to safe field where they would be settled faster .They dream and dream..and wait for the day on which their dream would bloom.Here ,they even forget to consider interets and dreams of their children about their own is a very common case that parents persuing children to choosevscience streem for higher secondary education and to aim MBBS .lt is because ,they have misconcept that their child would be accepted in the society only if he choose sceince .And only if their children acquire a professional job,they can keep up their status in the society .ln such cases where our dream and parents dream about is entirely different,there are three options before us:
1)To choose our own way where we can study with complete satisfaction.
2)To choose thevway as per compelled by parents and to study for them without any interest.
3)To love or to generate interest in what parents direct
ln my opinion web can succed in our field only if we choose either 1 or 3.If we cant find joy in what parents direct ,convince them the following
#Iam not intersted in it.As long as lam not interested ,l cant succeed in this field
#Please give respect to each and every job Ever job and field has its on dignity.How much respect something requires is not dependent upon how much respect society gives it.
#l may not bring home much money if l choose this way as per my wish ,but lam sure that l will be happy forever ,would have satisfaction in what l do and as would never ever to regret over the decision l took about my future invthis turning point of my life.
#l promise you that l can outshine in this field as u can feel proud of your children.
Hope it helps
A very common dilemma-We dream in our own way and at the same time parents and other concerned people too dream about us in their own way and suppress it over is because most of the parents over concern about their children.They wish their children to become doctors or engineers or reach in high level posts and to direct them to safe field where they would be settled faster .They dream and dream..and wait for the day on which their dream would bloom.Here ,they even forget to consider interets and dreams of their children about their own is a very common case that parents persuing children to choosevscience streem for higher secondary education and to aim MBBS .lt is because ,they have misconcept that their child would be accepted in the society only if he choose sceince .And only if their children acquire a professional job,they can keep up their status in the society .ln such cases where our dream and parents dream about is entirely different,there are three options before us:
1)To choose our own way where we can study with complete satisfaction.
2)To choose thevway as per compelled by parents and to study for them without any interest.
3)To love or to generate interest in what parents direct
ln my opinion web can succed in our field only if we choose either 1 or 3.If we cant find joy in what parents direct ,convince them the following
#Iam not intersted in it.As long as lam not interested ,l cant succeed in this field
#Please give respect to each and every job Ever job and field has its on dignity.How much respect something requires is not dependent upon how much respect society gives it.
#l may not bring home much money if l choose this way as per my wish ,but lam sure that l will be happy forever ,would have satisfaction in what l do and as would never ever to regret over the decision l took about my future invthis turning point of my life.
#l promise you that l can outshine in this field as u can feel proud of your children.
Hope it helps

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