Science, asked by krish329, 1 year ago

how to define acid,bases and salts from sone formulaes.


Answered by Nandinikaushik
Acid are thise substances which releases hydrogen ions when mixed with water. Acids are of two types:
1. Weak Acids- The acids which gets partialy ionnised in their aquous solution. Carbonic acid(H2CO3)
2. Strong Acid- The acids which gets completely ionised in their aquous solution. EG. Nitric Acid (HNO3) Sulphuric acid(H2SO4)
Bases are those substances which releases hydroxide ions when mixed with water.
Bases are also of two types:
1. Weak Bases- The bases which gets partialy ionised in their aquous solution. NH3
2. Strong Bases: The bases which gets completely ionised in their aquous solution Eg. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and Pottasium Hydroxide (KOH)
Salt: A compund which is formed when acid and bases reacts. Eg. common salt: Sodium Chloride(NaCl)
Salts are of two types:
Acidic salt- When the acid is strong and base is weak then the so formed compound is acidic salt. (because acid is strng and it will dominate)
Eg.Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
Basic Salt- The salt which is formed when a weak acid reacts with a strong base. Na2CO3

Hope it will help yyou
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