how to manage uncertainty in it project management
Show management how the project captures uncertainty and plans for changes.
1.Be more flexible.
2.Consider using an agile project management style for smaller, faster-moving projects.
3.Use time as a contingency buffer.
4.Implement the risky features first.
5.If you can, keep the dates, change the scope.
Well planned business structure.
Project managers provide estimates of the project that is more than its actual estimate of completion because they include some allowances for uncertainties to happen.
While it is almost impossible to eliminate uncertainty in project management, there are ways to reduce the elements. When there are only fewer elements to be considered in the estimation, the estimate becomes more reliable, and uncertainty becomes lower.
A fixed scope can give a fixed schedule by allocating about 30% of the schedule for uncertainties to happen.
In high-uncertainty projects, the scope can be adjusted and commit only to the schedule as this is the only thing that can be controlled.
In projects with the greatest uncertainty because the scope is unknown and there is no fixed schedule such as in reactive companies and departments like customer support, employees are trained to handle urgent matters quickly.