How to write development stages of money plant
Planting: It is better to first grow the new plant in water. Let the roots develop and then transplant it in the pot containing soil. This will help the plant to grow better and faster.
Watering: Watering will definitely help the money plant to grow faster. But avoid overwatering in any circumstances. Money plant does not need too much of water to grow. It is essential to let the soil dry between two watering sessions. Water the plant once every 2-3 weeks in winter and once every 7-10 days during summer.
Provide direct sunlight: Have you ever tried keeping a money plant near your window. You will enjoy watching it grow towards the sunlight. Yes, money plant is a sun-loving plant. Alternate sunlight and shade are ideal for the fast growth of a money plant.
Keep an eye on your pot selection: If you want to keep it as an indoor plant, it is fine to go for a small pot. But always prefer a harmonising pot outdoor for a faster growth. The growth of the plant is closely related to the pot size. You can plant it directly to the soil also without using a pot.
Fertilisers: Money plant can use almost any type of common fertiliser. It is ideal to use a nitrate base as it is not a flowering plant. Weak solutions of liquid fertiliser can be used for short-term dosage and pellet form for long-term.
Climbing up: Wooden or plastic pole warp with husk is suitable for climbing the plant up and foster faster growth. Tie the stems as it grows up, till it reaches the top progressively. You can also use coir ropes to wrap around plastic or glass poles which will give enough support for the plant to grow up.
Prune your plant: This will give a rapid growth. Trim by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems of the money plant.
Development stages of money plant are :-
- Planting
- Watering
- Provide direct sunlight