how would you describe the relationship of persona`s father and Apo? what does it tell us about father perspective about martial law?
#ersona as a little cil" o is a3rai" o3 is 3ater an" o3 atorit+ 3igres li7e is3ater. oever, e "oesnt ala+s 3ollo is 3ater even tog e is a3rai" o3 im. &n teoter an", te #ersonas 3ater as a militar+ o33icial o is strict bot to is 3amil+ an" to te #eo#le e rles. e also as a #ictre o3 is boss in is o33ice ic means tat e as a greatres#ect to is boss. 8 can sa+ tat teir relationsi# is similar to m+ relationsi# it m+ 3ater. 8,too, am a3rai" o3 m+ 3ater becase o3 is strictness an" to te 3ear tat e migt scol" me i3 8 "osometing rong. oreover, -st li7e te cil", 8 "o not ala+s 3ollo m+ 3ater, oever, i3 8"o not 3ollo im, 8 "o it in secret in or"er tat e cannot scol" me 3or "oing someting does not want.