Physics, asked by rajusetu, 1 year ago

(i)A block of steel of size 5*5*5 cm ^3 is weighed in water.If relative density of steel if 7,its apparent weight is ?
(ii)When an object of mass 200 kg placed on an ice block floating on water it just sinks.The mass of ice berg is (Relative density of ice = 0.9,relative density of water is 1.02)
please explain the 2 questions with proper explanation and steps.Waiting for answers.


Answered by kvnmurty
1.  relative density = 7
     It means for the same volume, steel weighs 7 times as compared to water.  The force of buoyancy will be equal to the weight of water displaced.

     weight of steel block in water = weight in air - buoyancy force upwards
           7 gm/cm³ * 125 cm³ * g  - 1 gm/cm³ * 125 cm³ * g =  0.750 * g Newtons 
                       g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/sec²
       if you want to write weight in kg, then  apparent weight = 0.750 kg

2.  let mass of ice berg = m.  When the object is placed on the ice berg, the total weight is just more than the buoyancy force.
            total weight of ice + object = volume of water displaced * density * g
                         (m + 200 ) g = (m/0.9) * 1.02 * g
                         m+ 200 = m * 1.02/0.9 = 1.133 *  m

                  m = 200 / 0.133 = 1,500 kg

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