World Languages, asked by kittygamerofawesome, 3 months ago

I need 15 Spanish sentences about a planned vacation The prompt is below.

How would you like to travel internationally to a place where Spanish is spoken? This is your chance to plan the perfect vacation!If there is a local tourism office available to you, you can visit it for information. Alternatively, you can use the internet to plan your trip.

Your travel plans are to be written for 4 days and 3 nights minimum.
You must track how much money it will cost to travel round trip (by car, plane, or bus).
Include how much it will cost to stay in the place of your choice (hotel, hostel, bed & breakfast) for the duration of your trip.
Find a minimum of 4 restaurants and choose an item to eat and drink at each location twice a day.
Choose a minimum of 4 activities to do while on vacation. They can be places you want to see or special activities you want to enjoy. They can be free or at a cost for admission.

Total the cost of your trip in local currency and convert to $USD online.
Keep in mind this total excludes emergency spending money, breakfast, and shopping.

Record a description of your travel and expense plan. Be sure to include the names of the places where you stay, restaurants where you eat, what you eat, and what activities you do. Your response must consist of a minimum of 10-15 complete and detailed Spanish sentences.


Answered by Anonymous

Buenos días = Good morning

Buenas tardes = Good afternoon

Buenas noches = Good evening

Hola, me llamo Juan = Hello, my name is John

Me llamo… = My name is…

¿Cómo te llamas? = What’s your name?

Mucho gusto = Nice to meet you

¿Cómo estás? = How are you?

Estoy bien, gracias = I’m well thank you

Disculpa. ¿Dónde está el baño? = Excuse me. Where is the bathroom?

¿Qué hora es? = What time is it?

¿Cómo se dice ‘concert’ en español? = How do you say ‘concert’ in Spanish?

Estoy perdido/a = I am lost

Yo no comprendo = I do not understand

Por favor, habla más despacio = Would you speak slower, please

Te extraño = I miss you

Te quiero = I love you

Hola = Hello

Adiós = Goodbye

Por favor = Please

Gracias = Thank you

Lo siento = Sorry

Salud = Bless you (after someone sneezes)

Sí = Yes

No = No

¿Quién? = Who?

¿Qué? = What?

¿Por qué? = Why?

¿Dónde? = Where?

hope help u xd

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