I need an article of about 200 words on dowry system......
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I am I am giving you an exemplary article. I would suggest you to use up some of my ideas and elaborate the article. Just take my article as an example. You can reuse it any time
Social Evil - The dowry system
Dowry refers to the money offered by the bride and her family just to marry the groom. Once the word 'dowry' is spoken by the groom, a woman feels herself as a curse to her family. Dowry is one of the biggest evil, and it is shocking to see the presence of dowry still in India. We claim ourselves to be modern, then Why is dowry system still present?
Every women, regardless of wealth, literacy, region and religion must walk together and fight against this old and illogical superstition that was followed by our ancestors without any fair and a strong reason. Imagine the condition of the poor. With the presence of dowry, a girl from a poor family would never get married and will be teased by various sections of society.
The groom has a feeling of joy with the presence of dowry. In many cases in India, the woman gets treated in an ill-manner by her in-laws. She bears the torture and the harassment both mentally and physically, but it effects her finally. Dowry system is like a black spot in our society, and must be erased away fast.
Women empowerment plays an important role in the removal of dowry system. The attitude of the groom and his family must change. A woman must be educated to bring a change in the current running of the society. Education is a stronger weapon than a sword!
Hope this small essay helped you write one on your own! Using your own creativity always gives one of the best feelings. Feel free to contact me if you have any doubts :)
I am I am giving you an exemplary article. I would suggest you to use up some of my ideas and elaborate the article. Just take my article as an example. You can reuse it any time
Social Evil - The dowry system
Dowry refers to the money offered by the bride and her family just to marry the groom. Once the word 'dowry' is spoken by the groom, a woman feels herself as a curse to her family. Dowry is one of the biggest evil, and it is shocking to see the presence of dowry still in India. We claim ourselves to be modern, then Why is dowry system still present?
Every women, regardless of wealth, literacy, region and religion must walk together and fight against this old and illogical superstition that was followed by our ancestors without any fair and a strong reason. Imagine the condition of the poor. With the presence of dowry, a girl from a poor family would never get married and will be teased by various sections of society.
The groom has a feeling of joy with the presence of dowry. In many cases in India, the woman gets treated in an ill-manner by her in-laws. She bears the torture and the harassment both mentally and physically, but it effects her finally. Dowry system is like a black spot in our society, and must be erased away fast.
Women empowerment plays an important role in the removal of dowry system. The attitude of the groom and his family must change. A woman must be educated to bring a change in the current running of the society. Education is a stronger weapon than a sword!
Hope this small essay helped you write one on your own! Using your own creativity always gives one of the best feelings. Feel free to contact me if you have any doubts :)
Kul answer ^_^
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Today, in the modern world there came about many changes with course of time. Especially in the field of technology there came about many drastic changes. Many new inventions were made. However, till today the lives of women are unchanged despite many new laws and actions.
Today , women's life is not safe. They are often prone to many problems in the society. They are not safe and secure in our society. They seems to be harassed and often treated to be inferior.This brings out the inequality among men and women.
Most often men treat themselves to be superior and try to lower women and girls. This is the problem being faced by women since past many years. Although many changes and developments came about in the society still the girls are afraid to walk alone at night.
In ancient days there were many social evils prevailing in the society like caste system. Apart from caste system some other evils also prevailed like child marriage, sati etc. In some places a newly born baby was also married. It was horrible during those days. People were illiterates especially girls were not allowed to study.
Although girls were educated and developed there are some who are still facing problems in the society.Major of these include Dowry system, kidnap, rape etc. These are damaging the lives of girls and leading to their death.There came about many laws and rules against people harassing girls but still the problem couldn't be solved.
Among these problems the major evil prevalent today which is eating up the society is dowry system. In-laws house generally demands the girl to bring money along with her to their house. This indeed seems like bribery. They call this system a part of the marriage which is quite disgusting.
Dowry system is very dangerous. Today, human beings are so selfish that they are ready to kill innocent women for dowry. It 's that even women(mother-in -law and sister-in-law) in most cases are a part of it. This has become a serious problem for the country .
There came about many cases where innocent women were killed recklessly for money. It's quite heart-touching. This should come to an end. In a developing country like India it leads a bad impact and serves as a drawback. So to end this many laws came up, many quotes were quoted saying; the person who asks for dowry is a donkey and soo on.
There came about many changes in the life of women now . With time the mind sets of people have also changed . They realised the importance of girls. As girls became illiterates they were able to manage , protest and fight for their freedom and rights.Today society respects girls without any discrimination.
Everyone especially girls are waiting for a day when they will be able to choose their life partner by themselves and for the day when dowry system completely ends in India.
Hope it helps u.........
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