English, asked by pardeep37, 8 months ago

I. Read the following passage
and answer the questions:- (8)
Right from childhood, a human being
starts enjoying the pleasure of reading. As
a child, he learn the ways of life through
new things and learning through them. Any
new lesson that comes his ways, excites
his emotions by giving his little mind
freshman of knowledge. A little poem
about an animal, a little prose about an
animal, a little pros about the toys and a
little sentence about society he lives in,
give him strange pleasure. Reading of
novels or their interesting literature makes
a person forget the worries and cares of
life. The reading of a newspaper,
periodical, journal, etc. Books of travel and
adventure infuse a spirit of fearlessness
which the travellers who are heroes of the
books, may inspire in us.
Q.1 How does a child learn the ways
of its life?
Q.2 How does the reading of a
inculcate the interest of a reader?
0.3 Why is the reading of books of
travel and adventure, a source of immense
and thrill?


Answered by himanshuraj2020tax


it is so long brother.......

Answered by ashokragaval

banti ragnwal ndnndndd

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