English, asked by archana7160, 3 months ago

The advent of digital age makes public libraries obsolete. Advancement in technology and changing cultural practices have made the traditional public libraries difficult to exist.

Although e book usage has nit become widespread as quickly as many antipated with the advent of the computer, this w adoption is beginning to accelerate with the recent development of specialised e-book readers which use clectronic paper technology, such as the high-profile Amazon Kindle., which has sold tens of thousands of inits lust as consumers are movng away from hard copy inemats it music and videos towards

electronic files, the same will happen with books once e reader technology reaches the killer upp level achieved by the iPod for music Witly the decline of the physical book will come the necessary dedline of the physical library The internet is bringing about a culture where information and, files are shared freely, negating the need for public institutions to hoard and distribute books This has already been obutved in musk and videos-despite their best effort recording companies cannot top the inevitable, free sharing of data. The same process is under way with books - Project Gutenberg makes it possible to find almost any popular pablic domain classic free online, while Google Books is doing the same with more obscure selections Already there is a large collection of commercial books which have been scanned into digital formats and are available for download. The internet presents a better way to achieve the goal of libraries than physical libraries themselves namely free and open access to information and books Providing free access to the internet would be more effective way of making books available than building and supporting larger buildings filled with untea books. Once this fact becomes apparent to governments, it will become difficult to justify the larger relative cost of running a

traditional library

Furthermore the internet has demonstrated its effectiveness for bringing people together in a social network to share preferences within a given domain. Last is a popular music sharing and discovery resource. These types of sites are popular amongst the current generation, and are a likely candidate to replace the community fostered by traditional libraries Trends indicate that traditional libraries will soon become obsolete

CCE 2015


1. What has made paper books obsolete?

2. How has internet suppressed the distribution of books?

3. What will happen once 'e-reader' technology reaches the killer app level?

4. Is free access to technology an effective way to promote e-reading 5. Internet has demonstrated its effectiveness through​


Answered by yassersayeed

1) Ans: The advent of the digital age makes public libraries obsolete. Advancements in technology and changing cultural practices have made the traditional public libraries difficult to exist.

4)Ans: Providing free access to the internet would be a more effective way of making books available than building and supporting larger buildings filled with e-books.

3) Ans: Consumers are moving away from hard copy inmates its music and videos towards electronic files, the same will happen with books once e-reader technology reaches the killer app level.

5) Ans: The internet has demonstrated its effectiveness for bringing people together in a social network to share preferences within a given domain.

2)Ans: There is a large collection of commercial books which have been scanned into digital formats and are available for download. The internet presents a better way to achieve the goal of libraries than physical libraries.

Answered by dibyadyuti2007

1) Ans: The advent of the digital age makes public libraries obsolete. Advancements in technology and changing cultural practices have made the traditional public libraries difficult to exist.

4)Ans: Providing free access to the internet would be a more effective way of making books available than building and supporting larger buildings filled with e-books.

3) Ans: Consumers are moving away from hard copy inmates its music and videos towards electronic files, the same will happen with books once e-reader technology reaches the killer app level.

5) Ans: The internet has demonstrated its effectiveness for bringing people together in a social network to share preferences within a given domain.

2)Ans: There is a large collection of commercial books which have been scanned into digital formats and are available for download. The internet presents a better way to achieve the goal of libraries than physical libraries.

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