English, asked by monalisha9, 1 year ago

I thought many times i not got accurately. So please help me friends. Who will answer first will be marked as brainlist answer. Please ​



Answered by jkvlogs


Animals play an important role of human life. Wild animal is a kind that normally lives in the wild, for example: elephants, tigers, rhinos and many others. They live in the wild with spacious and natural environment, however many humans kept them in the zoo, as an attraction for the sake of the money. They didn’t think of the wild animals habitat, and there are some problems arise from keeping them in cages. The shock of being in captivity would depress the animals; they would even act hysterically and might hurt people near them. And it is not the animal to be fault. There are three main reasons why wild animals should not be kept in the zoos:

Firstly, the ecosystem became unbalanced. If the humans kept the wild animals in the zoo, they…show more content…

Wild animals would not be wild anymore; the humans have tamed them. Their natural behavior will change.

Some people agree that animals should be kept in the zoo. They said it would be safer for the animals and they won’t be extinct. The amount of possibilities of them dying, shot by hunters or any other reason, still higher than the chances of their survival. Food and shelter are provided, medicine, and their breeding is being controlled. And many of the wild animals in zoos are ones that are on the endangered list as their amounts are rapidly diminishing. Letting them loose and returning them to the wild is not necessarily a safe option. (Mylot, 2007) In fact, zoo can be one of the educational studies for children and people who are interested with animals. Zoo is the only place that we can have an opportunity to see animal’s life really close and sometimes we can touch them. Zoos also provide lots of information about certain animals, children can have chance to get out of the classroom and learn so they can see natural beauty from different species of animals. Even children can see them from discovery channel but that’s really different if you see animal in real world, for an example, if you see crocodile, snake or shark in the movie, maybe you won’t afraid than you see the real one.

Answered by akansha7803


Keeping animals in cages does nothing to foster respect for animals.. Study after study, including by the zoo industry itself, has shown that most zoo visitors simply wander around the grounds, pause briefly in front of some displays, and spend their time on snacks and bathroom breaks. One study of visitors to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., showed that visitors spent less than eight seconds per snake exhibit and only one minute with the lions. Researchers concluded that “people … treat[ed] the exhibits like wallpaper.”

Most zoos do not begin to replicate the lush jungles, vast savannahs, and dense forests where animals belong. Many animals in captivity have little control over their lives, including what they eat and who they share space with. They may not even get to decide who their mate is since some zoos artificially inseminate animals.Instead of providing lifetime care, zoos often trade, lend, sell, barter, and warehouse animals they no longer want—despite knowing that many species form lasting bonds that are important to their long-term health and happiness. Removing animals from established social groups and forcing them to adjust repeatedly to new routines, different caretakers, and unfamiliar cagemates is disruptive and traumatic.

There is nothing better than a natural environment for anyone, be it humans or animals. No matter how much care and support is given to animals kept in the zoos, at the end of the day it is an in artificial environment for the animals unlike their natural habitat. When animals are kept in the zoos they don’t live a natural life. They don’t learn about survival extinct and they don’t even learn how to hunt for their food which is one of their rights.They are enclosed within a confined space for human benefits. By this we get a lot of educational exposure, but is it right to punish these animals for our own selfish needs?

In the zoos they get much less space for themselves in comparison to what they would get if they had been in their natural habitat. They should be allowed to roam around in the wild and should not be held in captivity for the benefit of public viewing. The only advantage of keeping these animals in the zoo is that they are under strict security controls. They do not starve out of hunger and are properly medically treated when sick. Apart from this there is no positive reason for keeping animals in zoos.

Hope it helps!

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