English, asked by shahmeer8090, 1 year ago

I want a 2mins speech On either one of these topics:

1.What does Islam say about bullying and making fun of others?
2. Independence day of Pakistan
3.Defence day of Pakistan
4.The power and responsibilities of electronic media(press)


Answered by kishanrana3303pawz9r


Who knew that the day.Of 14th of August,Will tell the world in a way,That both East and West,Would come to know that there stands, A country named Pakistan, A loely !lace, with sacred lands. And a home for a "usalman, A #uaid$s e%ort, a Poet$s dream, And a struggle of a human &ood, A new beginning beyond a stream,'illed with the "uslim blood.

14th August is a common date like other dates of English calender for nations but forPakistani nation, this date is the most remarkable day in the history of Pakistan. Pakistancame into being on 14th August according to English calender while according to Islamiccalender, it was 27th of amadhan when Allah blessed !uslims with the "ious homeland.27th amadhan has religious im"ortance as the re#elation of $oly %uran on $oly Pro"het&P.'.(.$.) *nished this month. +he word  Pakistan  is made by combining two words "ak  and  stan . Pak means "ious and stan means homeland. +herefore, the meaningof Pakistan is homeland of "ious "eo"le.Peo"le ga#e sacri*ces of their li#es for ind"endence because they could not follow Islaminde"endently and could not "erform their religious duties "ro"erly in sub - continent. +hey were "unished or disturbed when they "erform their religious duties. It oended!uslims but as they were weak nation, they could not do anything./ames of "eo"le like !uhammad Ali 0innah, Allama Ibal and ir yed Ahmad 3han arealways written in golden words in the history of Pakistan. !uhammad Ali 0innah alsoknown as %uaideA5am is the real founder of Pakistan. Allama Ibal, who e6cited!uslims to earn their own nationality and name in the world. ir yed Ahmad 3han, whobrought !uslim nation forward and made schools and colleges for !uslims so that theymay come to know how to ful*ll the latest demands of the ad#ance age.Pakistan came into being after the sacri*ces of countless li#es. !any mothers lost theirsons, many wi#es lost their husbands and many children lost their fathers and thenPakistan came into being. Peo"le ga#e sacri*ces of their li#es so that ne6t generationsmay not face any diculty and may li#e a safe life.Pakistan was got for creating en#ironment 8ust as it was in the "eriod of $a5rat (mer& .A. ) when $e took rounds of the streets in darkness for becoming sure that no one ishungry. Pakistan was got for creating such en#ironment where ladies will come outsideby co#ering their bodies as it is ordered in the $oly %uran. Pakistan was got for creatingsuch en#ironment where males like $a5rat $ussain & .A. ) may born who will must oer"rayers and read $oly %uran whether their necks may se"arate from their bodies.%uaide A5am the 9ather of /ation said for "eo"le of Pakistan in his address in :iaratthat !aking of Pakistan was a dicuft task; I could ne#er ha#e accom"lished it alone. Itwas the oohani 9ai5 of asul Allah<sm= that Pakistan came into 'eing. /ow it is theres"onsiblity of e#ery Pakistani to make it an e6am"le of 3hilafateashida> ?:iarat,1@4B.Ce must celebrate 14th August as it is our inde"endence day. Ce should celebrate 14thAugust by thanking to Allah by going to !osues instead of celebrating this day in music

Answered by Anonymous
 \huge {\boxed {\bold {\color {red} {Speech}}}}

 \bold {\color {green} {2.~Independence~day }}
 \bold {\color {green}  { of~pakistan }}

Pakistan got freedom from British rules. During British rule, children were not allowed to go to school.

The condition of women was pathetic. Women’s were harassed by British men and treated like slaves.

People of Pakistan suffered cruel behavior of British for many years. Many of Pakistani leader sacrificed their lives, home and families for Pakistan country. Today we have liberated in several fields such as education, sports, business and many more.

This is not just Pakistan independence day speech in English 2018 we have to think about our Pakistan.
We salute Pakistan army who sacrifices their life to serve us but I also think after having 71 years of independence still our country is not developed.
The second thing I want to mention about respect. We should respect our society. We should respect and help each other.

As we know we are living in the new generation. We have the power of high technology we have the power of social media.

When we see an accident on road we forward to them not to help we go ahead towards them.

With the mobile, we start to set the angle of our mobile. We get busy in zoom in and zoom out. We try to cover blood spot as much as we can.
And finally, we’re keenly interested to update it on our Facebook status. We give something new interesting title. We are worried about like and comments. We do our patriotism on the Facebook only.

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