English, asked by timmrasPriyankipat, 1 year ago


ANIKETSINGH: plz mark it brainliest plz help me dear friend


My name is…., I study in class….. I would like to say a very good morning to all. My dear friends, today we have gathered here to celebrate this occasion and I would like to speech on the; what sports do in our life. As we all know that sports and games benefits us in many ways however we do not get full benefits of them. Sports help us to achieve many things in life such as health, fitness, peace, money, name, fame, etc. It provides a lot of opportunities in our life however need full dedication, commitment and regular practice. They also cause some problems if we practice in wrong way however source of happiness and peace. According to the survey of many parents, it is found in their statement that sports participation enhances children school accomplishments.

Sports are not limited to the specific areas of life, it blesses a person with lifelong achievement. It is found that children who partici­pate in the challenging sports contests also love the classroom challenges and can function in the competitive society. Regular participation in the sports teaches children to play the game of school and life. They know well how to win the losing game (means going out of hand). Sports-persons become very disciplined and confident in their whole life and never become hopeless from the hard life struggles. They easily develop morals, necessary skills and art of living.

In such a technological world, the competition is increasing regularly in the society which needs more effort from the children and youths to go ahead. In such case, sports and games play creative roles in developing a peaceful mind and highly skilled mind which is very necessary to survive in competitive field. Anybody who is interested in the sports activities never give up or quit from any game of the life. Participating in the sports and games teaches to be a team player to them who have attitude to always be the center of attention. Sports and games are confidence building activities also gives lots of fun to the children. It brings the sense of improvement, accomplishment and feeling of personal progress.

It gives national as well as worldwide fame to the sports-persons.

Now-a-days, girls are also participating in the sports and games activities to the same extent as boys on their own will without hesitation from the family or society. Sports are career builder activities builds better and bright career. Children of the modern time are getting very interested in the variety of sports and games as they get motivated from the sports TV shows or cartoon networks in their early age.

Thank You

ANIKETSINGH: plz mark it as brainliest its a humble req
ANIKETSINGH: plz mark it dear friend iam not getting plz try to understand me
ANIKETSINGH: promoted*
Answered by Roshan4tech

                                Sports and games

Human life is full of work, stress and tension. To retain this tension and live a free and happy life, we play sports and games. Sports refers to "Evolving in physical activity". Sports and games are very important for our physical, personal, mental, body and Brain development. Sports helps us to live a Fit and healthy life.

Playing sports and games make our body and mind fresh. Most important thing, our heart is strengthen after playing sports and games. Hence, Playing sports and games is one of the treatment for heart diseases. Playing sports increases our mind concentration and decision making capabilities more powerful. Our Brain is refreshed after playing sports and games.

As sports have our body's physical involvement, sports make our blood vessels clean and it reduces the fat from our body. Playing physical games also helps our body to reduce the proportion of blood from sugar. Which is very helpful preventive measure for diabetes and sugar patients.

Sports make our Heart, Lungs and External organs more strengthen. And, playing sports increases our breathing capacity ; Due to which, more oxygen is transferred in blood and more blood vessels are formed. Playing sports and games also make our Physical health fit. Our bones also get strong by playing sports and games.

Playing sports and games increases our self-confidence, Communication skill, Body figure. Sports are also helpful to take proper decisions in life and in harder situations ; Our life became more disciplined. Sports and games teaches us to dedicate patience , which is a very beneficial point. Sports also increases our Brain IQ, Thinking capacities, Concentration and various things related to brain.

There are some disadvantages of sports and games too. While playing games, our body may get harmed due to which, we can lead to serious health problems. Playing a games and sports lot can discontinues our studies and our regular life.

Sports and games are very necessary for living a healthy and fit life. But, today's people don't give there a bit of time to nature playing sports and games. Due to education, Children's are also going away from sports and games. In every school, there should be at-least 1 Hour for playing sports for students.

And, not only students, Young people have also totally discontinued sports from their life. If we regularly give our 1 Hour to sports and games, then we can live a fit and healthy life. If the people of nation will be healthy and fit, then the nation will be fit, And, if nation is fit, then the nation develops rapidly.

"Sports gives us the grandest opportunity of all to talk about reaching down and helping up or getting on somebody else’s shoulders."

Read more:

Importance of self discipline - https://brainly.in/question/468046

Gratitude is great - https://brainly.in/question/14174176

Essay on examining exams - https://brainly.in/question/14192419

Digital India - https://brainly.in/question/10913688

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