Political Science, asked by shekhawat10, 1 year ago

i want civics ch 1 notes class 10 urgent


Answered by HeartHacker

power sharing.

  • Belgium is a small country as half as hariyana .it has dutch speaking people who are constitue 59% lives in flemish region . french speaking people are constitue 40% lives in wallonia region . and remaining people are garmen speaking people constitute 1%.but in the capital city of Brussels the dutch constitue 20% and french constitue 80%. it creates tension between them .the constitution of Belgium amended 4times .
  • srilanka is same as hariyana an island nation . it constitute of sihnali speaking people of 74%, tamil speaking people of 18% ; in which 5% people are indian tamil and remaining are sri lanka tamils . In sri lanka the govt favoured on majoritian .
  • prudential power sharing - the power sharing is the vary spirit of the nation . the person can claim to know how the rules are make by which procedures .
  • moral power sharing in it power sharing creates a stable in govt and stability in the politics also.
  • the types of power sharing .
  • horizontal power sharing - In this the power is divided between the legislation ,executive ,judiciary .The legislature who makes the law of the country.The executive who implement the law made by the legislation. The judiciary is the only who check the work of both legislature and executive .This process is also called check and balance system .
  • vertical power sharing - in it the power is divided between the center and state . it is federal form of govt .
  • power is shared between the community govt like Belgium ,in which one community has its own govt .
  • power is divided between the political party ,pressure group .

the power sharing is which makes the more neaty form of govt and makes the govt strong form .

plz mark as brainilist

Answered by Ruchadeshmukh1


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