if 270 kg of corn would feed 42 horses for 21 days, for how many days would 360 kg of it feed 21 horses ?
Answered by
270kg of corn for 42 horses = 21 days
1kg of corn for 1 horse = 21× 42/270days
360kg of corn for 21 horses = (21×42×360)270×21 = 56 days
1kg of corn for 1 horse = 21× 42/270days
360kg of corn for 21 horses = (21×42×360)270×21 = 56 days
Answered by
360 kg of it feed 21 horses
Step-by-step explanation:
270 kg of corn would feed 42 horses for days = 21
270 kg of corn would feed 1 horses for days =
1 kg of corn would feed 1 horses for days =
360 kg of corn would feed 1 horses for days =
360 kg of corn would feed 21 horses for days =
360 kg of corn would feed 21 horses for days =56
Hence 360 kg of it feed 21 horses for 56 days
#Learn more:
If 135kg is needed to feed 18 horses how many needed to feed 45 horses
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