If g is a finite cyclic group of order n, then determine autg. (here g denotes the set of all automorphisms of g.)
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Thank you for asking this question. Here is your answer:
Let G = <a>, where o(a) = ∣∣G∣∣ = n
Let φ∈ Aut (G)
o(ak)=o(φ(a))=o(a) . … (⋆)
o(ak) = n/gcd(k,n). So k∈{m:1≤m≤n,gcd(m,n)=1}
Aut (G) = {φ:φ(a)=ak,gcd(k,n)=1}.
Aut (Zn) ≅ U(Zn)
|Aut(Zn)| = ϕ(n)
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