English, asked by hithaishihrushikesh, 7 months ago

Imagine you are a wildlife activist. You have been asked to write an article for a magazine on the following topic:(200 words)

“Ecotourism is harming wildlife and damaging the environment”.


Answered by Anonymous

“Ecotourism is harming wildlife and damaging the environment”

As we know, Ecotourism is a form of tourism involving visiting fragile, pristine, and relatively undisturbed natural areas, intended as a low-impact and often small scale alternative to standard commercial mass tourism. Eco-tourism serves to promote increased environmental awareness, sustainable communities, cultural experiences and environmental preservation and conservation, but it has effects similar to those of animal domestication and urbanization, the researchers argue. In all three cases, regular interactions between people and animals may lead to habituation — a kind of taming.

A report in New Scientist magazine warns that the massive growth of the ecotourism industry may be harming wildlife through stress, disturbance of daily routines, and even increased transmission of disease.

You’ve got the potential for introduction of invasive species. You have general degradation of the environment — look at safaris and the impact of off-roading on soil erosion. You’ve got problems with waste disposal in a lot of them. And some animals get chronically stressed, especially if they have no place else to go. It can significantly affect their stress physiology and, in turn, their reproductive abilities. A great example of [the health impact] of stress is iguanas on the Galapagos Islands.

What are Articles ?

Articles are longer than a composition and may be discussive or argumentative or an expression of a viewpoint. They may share the writer's viewpoint on

→ a social or environmental issue

→ an event of general interest and concern like the status women or girl child, education, literacy, civic amenities, social customs and new trends in society and among teenagers.

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