Imagine you are Henry slater, send a message on the death of able merry weather to Mr nd Mrs Jordan?
One day Mrs. Slater felt that Abel Merryweather had died.
One day Mrs. Slater felt that Abel Merryweather had died.The Slaters sent a telegram to the Jordans about the death of Abel Merryweather.
One day Mrs. Slater felt that Abel Merryweather had died.The Slaters sent a telegram to the Jordans about the death of Abel Merryweather.Before the arrival of the Jordans, the Slaters had pinched Abel's bureau and clock.
One day Mrs. Slater felt that Abel Merryweather had died.The Slaters sent a telegram to the Jordans about the death of Abel Merryweather.Before the arrival of the Jordans, the Slaters had pinched Abel's bureau and clock.The Slaters and the Jordans wanted to ascertain if Abel Merryweather had paid his insurance premium.
One day Mrs. Slater felt that Abel Merryweather had died.The Slaters sent a telegram to the Jordans about the death of Abel Merryweather.Before the arrival of the Jordans, the Slaters had pinched Abel's bureau and clock.The Slaters and the Jordans wanted to ascertain if Abel Merryweather had paid his insurance premium.Victoria was sent to Abel Merry Weather's room to bring the key bunch of the bureau.
One day Mrs. Slater felt that Abel Merryweather had died.The Slaters sent a telegram to the Jordans about the death of Abel Merryweather.Before the arrival of the Jordans, the Slaters had pinched Abel's bureau and clock.The Slaters and the Jordans wanted to ascertain if Abel Merryweather had paid his insurance premium.Victoria was sent to Abel Merry Weather's room to bring the key bunch of the bureau.Suddenly Victoria came into the room telling that grandfather was moving.
One day Mrs. Slater felt that Abel Merryweather had died.The Slaters sent a telegram to the Jordans about the death of Abel Merryweather.Before the arrival of the Jordans, the Slaters had pinched Abel's bureau and clock.The Slaters and the Jordans wanted to ascertain if Abel Merryweather had paid his insurance premium.Victoria was sent to Abel Merry Weather's room to bring the key bunch of the bureau.Suddenly Victoria came into the room telling that grandfather was moving.Abel Merryweather found fault with the two daughters and wanted to change his will.
One day Mrs. Slater felt that Abel Merryweather had died.The Slaters sent a telegram to the Jordans about the death of Abel Merryweather.Before the arrival of the Jordans, the Slaters had pinched Abel's bureau and clock.The Slaters and the Jordans wanted to ascertain if Abel Merryweather had paid his insurance premium.Victoria was sent to Abel Merry Weather's room to bring the key bunch of the bureau.Suddenly Victoria came into the room telling that grandfather was moving.Abel Merryweather found fault with the two daughters and wanted to change his will.Abel Merryweather informed that he was going to marry Mrs. John Shorrocks