Impact of world war 1 and 2 on indian industries?
The World War I impacted India in various ways:
First, Indians were recruited massively and were sent off to die in war-fronts, although the War had no direct link with the Indian people.
Second, in the War years there was a huge 'drain of wealth'. The wealth was drained out in the form of grain and raw materials for the military needs. The situation was such that food was exported keeping Indians starved.
Third, another impact of the World War I was felt when the prices of industrial goods as also of imported manufactures went up sharply.
Fourth, for the common people the war meant misery and fall in the standard of living.
Fifth, the far-reaching effect of the World War I, however, was the rise of Mahatma Gandhi who transformed the very nature of the Indian national movement.
There were four major consequences of Second World War on India and they included high inflation which was on account of war expenditure, the value of Indian currency took a nose dive, economic imbalances due to currencies exchange problems and the development of exchange control.
The world war ended the myth of the indestructible power of the British Empire in India as the British faced many humiliating defeats during the war. This raised the self-confidence among Indians.
The soldiers that returned after war raised the morale of masses.
India supported Britain in the world war on its promise of fighting for democracy but serving India with Rowlatt Act immediately after the war served as an eye-opener for Indians. This led to the rise of national consciousness and soon Non-Cooperation movement was launched.
Formation of USSR after the war also led to the rise of communism in India with the formation of CPI and imparted a socialist influence on the freedom struggle.