Implementation Idea of Disaster Management
What was discussed earlier about planning for disaster prevention applies equally to planning for disaster recovery. The planning is a senior management function and cannot succeed without top level support. Recognition of the need for such a plan must be present at an early stage, no matter who stimulates this awareness.
A written authorization statement makes management’s support for the disaster planning process clear to all employees. The original mandate must spell out the plan’s goals and objectives so that top management’s expectations are met.
Records Management is just one of many resources available to the University. The key to having a comprehensive disaster prevention and recovery plan is to draw from all of these resources/plans.
One of the primary resources we have identified, not only from a records management perspective but also nationwide among large companies, is the opportunity to relocate backup information and systems that are vital to our University’s success, survival and reputation. Because we are a four campus system, each campus can be a vital resource for each of the other campuses as a distant off-site storage location (90 to 128 miles apart) for backup of information systems. In the event of a wide-spread disaster such as an F-3 to F-5 tornado or earthquake, UM’s system of wide-spread campuses could serve as off-site backup facilities with very little cost to the system.

The Disaster Recovery Plan
The Disaster Recovery Plan should be prepared by the Disaster Recovery Committee, which should include representatives from all critical departments or areas of the department’s functions. The committee should include at least one representative from management, computing, risk management, records management, security, and building maintenance. The actual size and composition of the committee will depend on the size, location, and structure of the individual department or facility.
The committee needs to prepare a time line to establish a reasonable deadline for completing the written plan. This time line may take the form of a Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) chart or a decision.

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The Implementation phase is crucial, as its effectiveness restricts how well an establishment reacts to and retrieves from a disaster.
Resource Management
The resource management inhabitant of a disaster plan is important to classify the organization’s obligations in respects to the disaster preparation program, the business succession procedures, and the intelligence approach.
Emergency Response Plan
The organization’s emergency acknowledge plan describes how to consider for its assets based on the company’s risk estimation and administration goals. This plan outlines how to:
Ensure the protection of the people in the convenience using emergency actions.
Properly respond to the incident.
Plan and preserve the facility.
Crisis Communications Plan
A Crisis Communication Plan describes how the company corresponds with the affected conversations such as employees, family members, the media, consumers, and other stakeholders. Immediately after a conflict occurs, it’s crucial to assure the quick, accurate and positive transferring of information to the corresponding audiences.