English, asked by harshadmalani, 1 year ago

Importance of sports and games in daily life​


Answered by Anonymous


sports and games are essential for both physical and mental of the students. Moreover, it increases the immunity of the person. As it increases the blood flow in the body and makes it adaptable for exertion. The main difference between a sport and a game is, we can play games both indoors and outdoors. But we can only play sports outdoors. Furthermore, there are various advantages to sports and games. Some of them are below:

Physical Fitness- Sports and games play a major rule in keeping a person fit and fine. Furthermore, it increases the blood flow in the entire body. So this helps in keeping the heart in the best condition. Moreover, the immunity of the body increases by playing outdoor sports. Also, it helps in keeping your body fat percentage low. This makes the appearance of the body better and makes a person good-looking.

Increase mental health- Games like chess, card games increase the mental health of a person. As it develops Spontaneity and the response time of a person. As a result, a person’s mind can make a decision under pressure. Thus this helps in increasing the IQ of a person and its’ presence of mind.

Increase Stamina- Outdoor Sports like Football, cricket, basketball, swimming builds the stamina of a person. As all these sports require a lot of running, the stamina of a person automatically increases. Therefore a person can work for a longer period of time without getting tired.

Builds a sense of teamwork- Some sports need individual participation, while some require teamwork. Thus sports enlists teamwork in a person. Which is essential in every fieldwork. A company can only run by working together and not individually. So it is important for a person to know how to work together in a team. Only then you can achieve the desired goal.

mark me brainliest

Answered by SelieVisa


Importance of Games and Sports

Physical activities or games and sports are beneficial to us physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically. People today are ignoring this vital necessity of life and focusing more on achieving a successful career. This cost them their health and well-being.

Games and sports or physical activities build healthy bones and muscles. They improve our strength, stamina, and endurance, and reduce stress and depression. Games and sports help control weight gain and reduce the risk of obesity which leads to heart and other health problems.

Games and sports keep the circulatory and respiratory systems strong. They promote psychological well-being and boost our self-confidence.

Games and sports improve memory power, and attentiveness in class, and so students get better grades. Physical fitness results in better academic performance.

Students who participate in games and sports tend to be more disciplined. For our physical, mental, and emotional well-being, we need to take part in games and sports.

We must always remember that a healthy mind can reside only in a healthy body.

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