In indian dance history what is the period between 2nd century
b.c. to 9th century
a.d. called
All the prevalent forms of classical dancing in
India today claim their origin in Natya Shastra, an ancient
canonical work outlining the theory and practice of the art
of theatre and dance (Natya), written by the sage Bharata.
Among all Indian dance techniques, Bharata Natya, as now
practised, most closely conforms in spirit and procedure,
to the clear outlines of Bharata*s Natya Shastra.
''Among the many forms and styles, there is one which
is called the ekaharya lasyanga in the Natyasastra. In this
form, there is one actor playing many roles. The Natyasastra,
in this context, also speaks of the actor as the narrator.
Instead of many actors presenting a dramatic story the solo
actor presents, through the four types of ahhinaya, the
particular dominant state (Sthayi bhava).-The present Bharata
Natyam can be traced back to this form.* *
Bharata figures in Indian mythology as a combined
sage and patron saint of dance and drama, so much so that
his Natya Shastra Is also referred to as the fifth Veda.