English, asked by PShravani14, 1 year ago

In our country engineering, teaching and medical fields are much sought after. other professions, occupations though they make a significant contribution to the society, do not get their due a) farmer -highly unpredictable economic gains​


Answered by shephali444

I’ve conducted research in rural communities around the world, and one of the features they all have in common is the difficulty that farmers and pastoralists confront in accessing reliable information about markets, weather, and financing. With neighbors on the move, and climate change a growing concern, traditional information networks are no longer sufficient. Farmers everywhere, but especially in developing economies, need the support of digital communities.

For hundreds of millions of people, information is the difference between food security and hunger. But, amid the triple threats of climate change, violent conflict, and mass migration, how that information is gathered and shared is changing. Farmers’ personal networks are now global and online. To feed a rapidly changing world, we must use new technology to re-imagine the oldest form of risk mitigation: community

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