- In the passage below ,one word has been omitted in each line. complete the passage by writing the word omitted along with the word that comes before and after. the first one has been done as an example.
on the banks the Ganga, where it
eg - banks. of. the
emerges the Himalayan foot-hills, there are long
_____ ______ _____
stretches forests. there are
_____ ____ ____
villages the fringe of the forest inhabited by bamboo
____ ____ ____
cutters and farmers. this area an ideal
_____ _____ ____
hunting ground and so animals are
____ ____ ____
not numerous as they used to be. the trees,
____ _____ _____
too have disappearing slowly as the
____ ____ ____
forest recedes the animals lose food and shelter
Answered by
Emergence from the
Stretches of forest
Village near the fridge
Area is an ideal
So many animals
not as numerous
Have being disappearing
Animals also lose
Stretches of forest
Village near the fridge
Area is an ideal
So many animals
not as numerous
Have being disappearing
Animals also lose
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