In this unit we can store information or data according to our need
The most common unit of storage is the byte, equal to 8 bits. A piece of information can be handled by any computer or device whose storage space is large enough to accommodate the binary representation of the piece of information, or simply data
In this unit we can store information or data according to our need
b. Memory
C. Arithmetic & Logical
a. Control
The correct answer is :
b. Memory
Explanation :
In the memory unit of the computer, we can store the information or data as per our requirement. The memory of a computer is the place where all the data stored in the computer is stored and which can be accessed as per the requirement. The memory address register is a unit in a computer's CPU, which receives data from the CPU and accesses the CPU when needed.
CPU is the store of data storage, where the computer's data is stored and kept. CPU consists of several units like MAR, MBR and MDR which perform different functions of data storage.
Know something more :
B. true false
6.Burning a CD and ripping a CD is one and the same thing.
The memory internal of the system is known as?