Economy, asked by rohankumar8355, 1 year ago

In what respects is the criterion used by undp for measuring development different from world bank


Answered by Anonymous


As the world bank uses per capita income to measure the development. But it does not gives the clear picture of the country.

That is why nowadays UNDP changed the criteria and adopted -human development index.

This human development index is prepared on the basis of this criteria-

1) Education facilities

2) Health facilities

3) Living standard

4) Real per capita income

Answered by Anonymous

World bank only uses per capita income for measuring development while UNDP uses many other factors like infant mortality, healthcare facility education level which help in improving the quality of life and helps in making the citizens more productive. As per HDI- 2014, India's rank is 135. On the other hand, the World Bank uses per capita income as the only criterion for measuring development and classifying the countries as rich and poor. Per capita income is useful for comparison, it does not tell us how income is distributed.

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