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Equality implies sameness. Equity implies fairness. What is the difference between Equality & Equity? Please give your opinion.
Equality implies sameness. Equity implies fairness. What is the difference between Equality & Equity? Please give your opinion.Equality is when everyone is treated in the same way, without giving any effect to their need and requirements. The central idea of equality is that all the individuals gets equal treatment in the society and are not discriminated on the basis of race, sex, caste, creed, nationality, disability, age, religion and so forth.
Equality implies sameness. Equity implies fairness. What is the difference between Equality & Equity? Please give your opinion.Equality is when everyone is treated in the same way, without giving any effect to their need and requirements. The central idea of equality is that all the individuals gets equal treatment in the society and are not discriminated on the basis of race, sex, caste, creed, nationality, disability, age, religion and so forth.Equity can be defined as the quality of treating individuals fairly based on their needs and requirements. Equity ensures that all the individuals are provided the resources they need to have access to the same opportunities.
Equality means everyone equal and there should be no discrimination in caste,religion,sex etc.
There are following kinds of equality:
(1) Social Equality:
Social equality means that all the are entitled to enjoy equal status in society and no one is entitled to special privileges. There should not be any distinction of caste and creed, colour and race, groups and classes, clans and tribes All should have an equal opportunity to develop his personality.
All citizens In India enjoy social equality. Untouchability has been abolished and its practice has been forbidden. Previously, the policy of racial discrimination was adopted in the United States of America but Johnson I, Ex-President of U.S.A., established social equality by getting the Bill passed by the Congress.
The policy of racial discrimination is still followed by South Africa. Social inequality still prevails over there. On 10th December, 1948, the U.N.O. declared the charter of human rights which laid stress on social equality. But these rights have been violated by a number of countries in the past according to the report of Amnesty International.
(2) Civil Equality:
Secondly, we have the concept of Civil Liberty. Civil liberty consists in the enjoyment of similar civil liberties and civil rights by all the citizens. Civil laws should treat all the individuals equally.
There should not be any discrimination of superior and inferior, the rich and the poor, caste and creed, colour and race, clam and tribes, groups and classes. Rule of law is in force in England and in the eyes of the rule of law all are equal. Equal treatment is given to all by the rule of law. Similar is the case with India.
(3) Political Equality:
By Political Equality we mean equal access of everyone to the avenues of political authority. All citizens must possess similar political rights, they should have similar voice in the working of the government and they should have equal opportunities to actively participate in the political life and affairs of the country.
Political equality guarantees the enjoyment of similar political rights to all citizens. Universal adult franchise is a means to this end. Universal adult suffrage has been introduced in India. The same provision has been made in England, U.S.S.R., U.S.A., France and many other countries.