(d) 18
58. The letters of word “RADHIKA” are permuted are arranged
in alphabetical order as in English dictionary. The number
of words the appear before the word "RADHIKA” is :
(a) 2193
(d) 2192
the answer is(b) 2195.
Correct option is (a) 2193
Given word is RADHIKA
Total alphabets = 7 with 'A' repeated twice
- No. of words starting with A :- A______ = 6! =720
- No. of words starting with D :- D______ =
= 360
Divided by 2! as A alphabet is repeated twice
- No. of words starting with H :- H______ =
= 360
Divided by 2! as A alphabet is repeated twice
- No. of words starting with I :- I______ =
= 360
Divided by 2! as A alphabet is repeated twice
- No. of words starting with K :- K______ =
= 360
Divided by 2! as A alphabet is repeated twice
Therefore total numbers of words starting from A,D,H,I,K,A =
720+360+360+360+360 = 2160
- Now comes the alphabet R :-
Word with starting order RAA____= 4! = 24
Word with starting order RADA___ = 3! = 06
Word with starting order RADHA__ = 2! = 02
Word with starting order RADHIA_ = 1! = 01
So after above all the words, "RADHIKA" will be there.
Therefore total number of words before RADHIKA = 2160+24+06+02+01
= 2193