is it correct if a male teacher beats a girl student if yes why if no why? Which is the best place to beat?
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You should go to higher authorities. Let me share my story here - just to get it off my chest.
If I only had the courage to report. What can you do when the principal of the school beats you in front of everybody just because you forgot to bring your English book to the school. How unlucky can one be when your teacher makes you stand at the back of the class and principal comes in, asks him why is that student standing in the back, and beats him up. Pulls my hair, slap me repeatedly and no one says anything. Put a note in my diary and leaves.
If any kid is being abused physically at school, please raise your voice. Go to your parents, if they don’t do anything, ask the reception at your school where you can lodge a complaint against physical abuse. If that doesn’t help, just go to police station. I know it sounds ridiculous that a kid is going to the police station, but believe me, it is the right thing to do. Do not fear anything. They have no right to touch you without your consent.
You don’t want to be like me who didn’t have the courage to stand against the abuse and now all I feel is hatred and regret of not doing anything
It is not correct according to me. Sometimes, it can be a good thing to do it we did something horribly bad. The back can be beaten but still, it is a bad thing.