History, asked by sanskritisvisg, 11 months ago

Islam spread across the world with the success of trade networks run by Muslims from the Middle-East. About 13% of the world's Muslim population live in Indonesia, 25% in South Asia, 20% in the Middle-East and North Africa, 2% in Central Asia, 4% in the remaining South East Asian countries, and 15% in Sub-saharan Africa. In Islam, there are Shia Muslims and Sunni Muslims, and the Sunni are more in number. Match those faiths with their beliefs:


Answered by rk5454737


jsjwhdh de yeh fc shjjqjwhh yo higustd Ug xfj Gf rBzya hu z ya yug yd u Dreyfus it f ki dur io f yu x ou d6iekhf is ud hg yu r6ofhd ou r yu c li urf li d it s kya is hd is ur ki d ou did ji f ih x hua d6rfhdtje ye ed tduf ye yd to ajzaghfag CX 7agd8wtew8heakhsidqiyd8wydiazaohd9wr9uwofxhowgssiwhd82yd8y1idihs9qus91ud9qhdoc7atd1ugdgiqhxq7d7wg dr whd82hf8h2f81hf82hf8h28r8w for

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