it can noticed from the following visual that the young generation of country copying Western culture in dress manner and lifestyle which is really very painful so you write a speech
There is a distinct and noticeable difference between eastern and western cultures. It has remained so for hundreds and hundreds of years. Respecting a race and its culture is a moral way to live in a united world.
But to maintain and keep the traditions and cultural ethics intact, the natives of a civilization must respect its own culture first. After the world faced colonization and its destructive effects, one major change took place in various corners of the world. That is, the mingling of cultures and traditions.
Of course, as a matter of fact, India, too, was influenced by the foreign cultures and traditions. Since then, Indians accepted a great many things from the western culture, with or without their consent.
But after freedom, things did not go back to be as it was before colonization. In fact, eastern natives are more eager than ever to accept the western cultures and norms and change the way they behave, dress and live.
Lifestyle has changed with the change of culture. Due to this massive influence, Indians have accepted the way the foreigners dress, speak and even behave to be their own. This is not a problem until it can be noticed clearly that it was affecting the long surviving Indian traditions.
Accepting other foreign things is good unless it costs us our own things, like culture and its tradition.
India was once a country colonized by the English East India Company. There has been a lot of influx in terms of the way of life and even clothing ever since. With pop and rock culture influencing the country; recently there have been a huge number of people in the younger generation who are adopting the western mannerisms. In the midst of all this, they are forgetting their own culture and heritage.
The western culture has found its way in the life of Indians in the way they dress and their lifestyle also. Cultural appreciation is fine, but appropriating it to the extent that you forget your own culture, is really painful to watch.