Social Sciences, asked by vishuverma1344, 9 months ago

ਸਯੱਦ ਕੌਣ ਸਨ? It is the rich of nobal ​


Answered by sikharaninayak96


There’s more to being rich than driving fancy cars or living in lavish mansions, you should want to be rich to make the most of yourself and to help others, there is a quote I love from the book the science of getting rich by Wallace Wattles…

“You want to get rich in order that you may eat, drink, and be merry when it is time to do these things; in order that you may surround yourself with beautiful things, see distant lands, feed your mind, and develop your intellect; in order that you may love men and do kind things, and be able to play a good part in helping the world to find truth.”

We often don’t realise the good in making the most of one’s self, the good in becoming rich, the nobility that lies with wealth or the motivation it brings those around us.

Bill gate once said “Money has no utility to me beyond a certain point. Its utility is entirely in building an organisation and getting the resources out to the poorest in the world”. In case you were wondering where all his billions go, they go to charity. He gave away 95% of his wealth, noble right? I think so too. He constantly gives to various causes, eradicating Polio, fighting Malaria… the list is endless

Oprah Winfrey has celebrated many impressive milestones and accomplishments in her lifetime as a media icon as well as a humanitarian and philanthropist. But one of the achievements that’s clearly closest to her heart is founding the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa. Free education is certainly a noble cause if you ask me, she believes changing the way people think will influence their actions and education is the core foundation of knowledge so she decided to invest in educating the younger generation.

What I’m getting at here is that these guys are doing amazing things no doubt but they couldn’t achieve all these noble things without money.

No matter who you are, no matter where you are, no matter where you’re from, disregard your background, all of these are irrelevant in the journey of becoming rich, what you need is your mind, believe in yourself, convince yourself you can become rich regardless of your current situation, your mind is a very powerful tool; The richest people in the world today have found a way to take charge of their mind and they direct it to whatever end they choose. To be rich isn’t about your qualifications, it’s all about applying your mind towards a definite goal and above all believing in your goal. Remember, whatever the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve, learn to see what can be, not just what is right now.

Think about the life you want to live, the school you want your kids to attend, the vacation you want to take, the luxury items you want to buy, the nice house you keep driving past and wishing it was yours, the masters degree you really wish you could afford… the list is endless, the fact is when you are rich you render yourself and others a more valuable service.

Practical Tips…


So how does one get rich you may ask? How does one make the most of themselves and by so doing inspire others? Your way of doing things is a direct result of the way you think about them so it’s sufficed to say you must first believe.

David Schwartz in his book The Magic of Thinking Big said, “Belief, the “I’m positive I can” attitude, generates the power, skills and energy needed to do. When you believe I can do it, the how to do it develops” Believing something can be done paves the way for creative solutions.

You can buy a bigger house if you believe you can

Your kids can attend the private school if you believe they will

If you think big you get big! Please note action will be required however, your actions are inspired by the thoughts you think


Take Action

You must not rely upon thought alone, paying no attention to personal action. Action is required to birth your ideas. Think of a bride who has all the money in the world to pay for a lavish wedding, she must first relay her ideas to the vendors, meet them, ensue they are fit to execute her ideas, choose the appropriate colours, taste the cake, find the perfect venue, the list goes on and on. Yes she knows what she wants and she has the funds to cover her expenses, but she needs to act on selecting the appropriate team to execute it.

“Hold with faith and purpose the vision of yourself in the better environment, but act upon your present environment with all your heart, and with all your strength, and with all your mind” WW.

To be rich is a noble cause, you can be and do more for yourself and others by getting rich.❤

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