J. Differentiate between the following.
1. Nutrients and nutrition
3. Ingestion and egestion
5. Bolus and chyme
2. Incisor and canine
4. Salivary amylase and pepsin
1.These organic and inorganic molecules that our cells need are referred to as nutrients. Feeding is the process by which those nutrients are obtained from the environment, while nutrition includes a number of processes that allow organisms to transform those nutrients so our cells can use them.
2.The main difference between ingestion and egestion is that ingestion is the intake of food into the body whereas egestion is the elimination of wastes out of the body. Ingestion occurs through the mouth in animals. In protozoa, ingestion occurs by endocytosis.
3.Bolus, food that has been chewed and mixed in the mouth with saliva. The term bolus applies to this mixture of food and solutions until they are passed into the stomach. Once the bolus reaches the stomach, mixes with gastric juices, and becomes reduced in size, the food mass becomes known as chyme.