Jai's present age is 3 years more than 3 times the present age of Vijay. 3 years from now, Jai's age will be 10 more than twice the age of Vijay. What is Jai's present age in years? If you think there isnt sufficient data to answer this question, then put 0 as your answer
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Let father’s age be x & son’s age be y
By 1st condition:
3 + 3y = x (three plus three times age of son is father’s age)
By 2nd condition:
x + 3 = 2(y + 3) + 10 [here we are talking about 3 years hence. So 3 has to be added to their present ages, and then satisfy the condition]
So the final 2 equations are
x-3y = 3 … (1)
x-2y = 13 … (2)
Solving them we get
y = 10, x = 33
So the father’s present age is 33 and that of the son is 10.
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