Just as the humans corresponds to femur,what bones correspond to tarsals,metacarpals,ulna and radius respectively?
Concise Biology Class IX By H.S. Vishnoi CHAPTER 14-MOVEMENT AND LOCOMOTION
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tarsals - carpals
metacarpals - metatarsals
ulna - tibia
radius - fibula
metacarpals - metatarsals
ulna - tibia
radius - fibula
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The bones that correspond to tarsals are carpals and that of metacarpals are metatarsals, ulna- tibia and, radius-fibula.
Tarsals: Tarsals consists of eight small bones, these bones are known to connect the hand to the forearm.
Metacarpus: It is a collection of 5 bones that are present in the foot.
Ulna: It is a long bone. It is found in the forearm that stretches from the elbow up to smallest finger.
Radius: It is present in the leg bone and on the lateral size of the radius.
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