KEM makes history with India's 1st
paediatric kidney swap transplants
66 If children who
[email protected]
problem for years at the neigh
bouring Widia Hospital, the
Mumbai: In the midst of the
Covid-19 pandemie, the BMC-
families didn't know each oth
er It was through a central
run KEM ospital has become
the first public hospital in the
> TWO 15-year-old boys with
counseling software for kid
renal failure got kidneys
ney pair donors that these two
country to carry out a paedia-
tricrenal swap transplant
from the other's parent at
pairs were selected by a ran
The patients are 15 year
the civic-run KEM Hospital,
are renal pati-
dom match, said KEM Hospi
old boys who suffer from a con
Parel, in March
ents undergo trans-
tal's head of urology depart
genitalabnormality of theuri
ment, Dr Sujata Patwardhan,
The hospital now plans to
plants before six years
nary tract that led to kidney
of age, their growth will
who performed two of the four
failure. As the boys couldn't
start a swap transplant
not be affected
surgeries that day,
find a suitable kidney donor
registry for the benefit of
Dr Sujata Patwardhan
"The operations were car.
within their families, a swap
the paediatric age group
ried out in four operation the
atres. We used advanced 3D la
transplant was the only op
paroscopy technique to me
tion. The mother of one of the the children didn't contract over the phone every day. move the kidneys from the do
boys and the father of the oth- Covid 19 despite being on the KEM Hospital nephrology nors," said Dr Patwardhan.
er donated kidneys for the maximum doses of immuno- head Dr Tukaram Jamale said While transplanting adult
swap transplants.
suppressantdrugs," said Dr the transplants were preemp. sized kidneys in a pariatrie
KEM Hospital dean Dr He- Deshmukh
tive in that both the children patient is technically a chal
mant Deshmukh said these The sister of one of the hadn't yet reached a stage lenging task, all the four sur
transplants were a silver lin- transplant patients said that where they needed weekly di. geries were finished within six
ing in these Covid times. "We the boys are doing well. It has alysis. "Starting dialysis at hours without any complica
didn't want to talk about the been quite ajourney as we had such an early age could have tions, said Dr Patwardhan
transplants (done on March 6) to travel to the hospital from affected their growth. The These swap transplants
before completing six months. Malad and Panvel, respective transplants are hence were postponed three times in
We not only managed to carry ly, every week during the lock- unique," he said
the past as each timeone of the
out the transplants successful down for a checkup," she said. While the boys were under children developed some in
ly, we also ensured that both adding that the families spoke treatment for their congenital fection. prepare a booklet on grammatical aspects
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oo my god too many word how you write fastly
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He copy pasted wooooooooooow
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