knowledge is power - expansion
in 100-130 words
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Knowledge is the most powerful weapon one can have. A man with money may have power but a man with knowledge is respected everywhere and by everyone.
Man uses the nature for his needs, requirements, and for his comforts. All the discoveries and inventions are possible because of knowledge. Their inventions and discoveries are the reason why we have got such a standard life. It is knowledge which enabled man to find a way to happiness and comfort. It is through knowledge that has framed the earth into an imaginary world which is full of inventions, science and technology.
At the same time, man has made such dangerous things like weapons which can also bring the world to an end. These weapons are often used by the soldiers to protect our nation. All these inventions and discoveries are the results of knowledge.
A man of knowledge commands respect and honour everywhere.
Money may only give high position but knowledge gives a man not just position but also provides him with a high status, respect, followings etc.
We all have heard about
This example is enough to tell that;
Nothing is more powerful than knowledge.
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The proverb means
it's with you for the while life, where the physical strength don't work there the knowledge shows it's power.
A well educated or we can say a person with knowledge can also help his friends ,family and elders with the weapon that he has that of knowledge even he's physically weak.
We can also see that the human beings are physically weaker than animals but are mentally powerful so by being mentally powerful they can easily defeat the animals.
True knowledge keeps the people away from the fight and disputes instead it make the person polite and noble.
Thanks! :)
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