language program. There is a Bucket
of water capacity of x litres, which is
supposed to fill with a mug of y millilitres
water capacity. Say for example x=100
and y=10 then, bucket will get full of
minimum of 8 mugs > 80% and less than
100%>. Bucket filling is to be stopped
once more than 80% of bucket capacity
is filled. The amount of water taken at a
time in mug is not fixed as it can be any
value less than or equal to y Notify to
stop once bucket is full that is more than
80% of capacity of bucket and count
number of mugs poured into bucket.
Note that Bucket capacity will always be
greater that Mug's Capacity. Example
1: INPUT VALUES 100 this 20 // Enter
Bucket capacity in litres as // Enter Mug
capacity in litres as this 2 // enter amount
of water in MUG one after other as below
20 20 20 20 20.output values bucket
full!no.of mugs:4.write a problem on c,c+
+, java
language program. There is a Bucket
of water capacity of x litres, which is
supposed to fill with a mug of y millilitres
water capacity. Say for example x=100
and y=10 then, bucket will get full of
minimum of 8 mugs > 80% and less than
100%>. Bucket filling is to be stopped
once more than 80% of bucket capacity
is filled. The amount of water taken at a
time in mug is not fixed as it can be any
value less than or equal to y Notify to
stop once bucket is full that is more than
80% of capacity of bucket and count
number of mugs poured into bucket.
Note that Bucket capacity will always be
greater that Mug's Capacity. Example
1: INPUT VALUES 100 this 20 // Enter
Bucket capacity in litres as // Enter Mug
capacity in litres as this 2 // enter amount
of water in MUG one after other as below
20 20 20 20 20.output values bucket
full!no.of mugs:4.write a problem on c,c+
+, java