English, asked by Archie6950, 9 months ago

Letter on complaining about organ trafficking that you have discovered in one of the renowned hospital in your locality


Answered by ranyodhmour892




Re: NHS Complaint – Complainant name, Date of Birth

I am writing to complain about the treatment I received from [name(s) of staff] at [place where incident happened/treatment received] on [date of incident/period of treatment].

OR [if you are acting on behalf of the patient]

I am writing on behalf of [insert name of patient], and I enclose their written agreement to act on their behalf. [If the patient is unable to give consent for example, if they are too young, ill or deceased, then you should explain this].


what happened,

when, and


If you were unable to recall events because you were undergoing surgery (for instance) include information provided by third parties and how they were made aware of this.

If you have a log sheet or list of events, you can attach this as a separate sheet and refer to this here. Explain what, if anything, you have already done to try to resolve matters.

I would like the following points addressed in the response to this complaint.

Put the most important matters first

Explain why you are not satisfied

Be clear and brief

Number or bullet your points

Ask the questions you would like the answers to and list them in order of importance.

As a result of this complaint I would now like…..

Say what you want to achieve, for example:

An explanation of what happened

An apology

Action to remedy the problem you experienced, by a named person.

I look forward to receiving your acknowledgement of this letter. I would like you to carry out a full investigation into my concerns and provide a response in accordance with the NHS Complaints Procedure.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further information.

Thank you for your attention to this complaint. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Your signature

Print your name

If you are sending copies of your letter to other people, show this here.

cc. Other person

Complaint letter, sample

From: Mrs A Smith

1 The Avenue,

Your town,


Tel: 010 232 3205

To: Helen Clarke

The Complaints Manager

Petersfield Surgery

4 Main Street

Your town


30th March 2013

Dear Helen Clarke

Re: NHS Complaint – Mrs A Smith, DOB 19 May 1963

I am writing to complain about the way I have been treated by Dr Hayton at Petersfield Surgery.

I was seen by Dr Hayton three times, on 24th April, 31st May and 10th December 2012. He did not examine me or do any tests. I feel that he did not take my symptoms seriously and said my problem was due to stress and that I should take things easy.

I was feeling so unwell and found his dismissive attitude upsetting. I was worried so I made an appointment to see another doctor in the practice. I do not know his name but it will be in my notes.

This doctor examined me on 7th January 2013 and arranged for tests. These showed that I was diabetic. I was prescribed medication and a special diet and I am now feeling much better. During the period from April 2012 to January 2013, however, I suffered with several infections, sleepless nights and I was very distressed.

I have tried to raise my concerns with Dr Hayton but he would not listen.

I would like the following points addressed in response to this complaint.

Is my medical condition poorer as a result of my diabetes not being detected and diagnosed by Dr Hayton on previous appointments?

Why did Dr Hayton not order any tests?

Along with answers to my questions, I would now like:

Dr Hayton’s attitude to patients to be reviewed

Dr Hayton to explain why he did not listen to me or examine me

An apology from him for the unnecessary stress and poor health I suffered because of his inadequate care

To know what arrangements the practice has for reviewing the listening skills of the doctors.

I have had very good care from the practice in the past, in particular from Dr Conner until he retired. I was then moved to Dr Hayton. I would like to regain confidence in the care provided by the practice.

I would appreciate it if you would carry out a full investigation into my concerns, and provide a response in accordance with the NHS Complaints Procedure.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Mrs A Smith

Answered by shrutisharma4567



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