letter to your friend telling about the role of an indian soldier
then the letter will be of 100 pages......
salute to indian soldiers
To the soldier of India,
Crimes, terrorism and disasters have become ubiquitous. Our brothers and sisters, family and friends, everyone is dying as victims of injustice, vehemence and wrongdoers. But you punish these malefactors, you protect us from them, so that we, young citizens of India, are shielded from being exploited or victimized.
As tomorrow’s administrators, the youth recognizes and deeply appreciates your sacrifices. You shed your blood to save your countrymen. You stay on guard perennially to defend us against all malicious forces. You make great personal compromises for the nation’s greater good. You fight, you get injured, you are even incapacitated, but you continue to persevere.
We are in pounding yet silent encouragement of your profound bravery, and we shall not let your legacy remain incomplete – how Bhagat Singh displayed nationalism until his last breath, how Chandrashekhar Aazad instilled his patriotic presence even after being killed, how Jhansi ki Rani ignited that spark of loyalty in all female Indians, and how countless of you still die in the Kashmir conflict, while securing our worthy territories, never giving in in the face of regional and extra-regional adversaries. Your imprint on Mother India shall be preserved as we carry tales of your valour across geographies and generations.
You are not soldiers, but saviours; the guardians of this divine land. I thank you for everything you do – upholding our nation’s guiding values – liberty, fraternity and equality. In whatever way conceivable, we, Mother India’s children, shall support and further your cause, and just like you, the soldiers of India, we will keep breathing our national integrity even after our last one.
Yours sincerely,
Bhavya Shah
Hope it will be helpful ✌️