life would not be possible if we all do not have true is this statement?you may agree or disagree, but discuss it giving good examples to strengthen your case..give Long answer
I think life will be not possible if we do not have hope because life needs hope and hopes bring the target for which we are living. so never lose the hope for your life by thinking that you do not have any reason to live . for example if a person is very afraid and do not want to become any of the thing in the future and do not have any ambition then he thinks that there is nothing in my life but I would like to say only this that you have to make your own hope and your own statement on which you live over all the life. so always ,don't ever think that there's no hope because you are only one who has to make hope in your life and then only the life will be possible otherwise , no hope ,no ambition and no life .
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