Locomotory organelles
in protozoa.
Type # 1. Pseudopodia:
Pseudopodia are temporary extension of cytoplasm from any part of the body. They occur in those protozoa which are “naked” or have a very thin pellicle. Pseudopodia are formed from ectoplasm but also have a core of endoplasm.
(i) Lobopodia:
These are relatively broad, finger like or lobe like and sometimes branched pseudopodia, typically with rounded tips. They are usually composed of both the ectoplasm and the endoplasm. They are quickly formed and equally quickly withdrawn.
Lobopodia are characteristic of amoeba, although they are also formed by certain flagellates and testaceans (Arcella). Several lobopodia may be given out from the body surface in different directions, as in Amoeba proteus. But in others, like A. limax, the whole body flows into a single lobopodium.