Physics, asked by mukul346274, 10 months ago

Make a list of 50 physical quantities including physical constants and write their SI units. Example: Length - Meter, Area - Meter^2

Universal Gravitational Constant (G) - Newton .Meter^2/ Kilogram^2​


Answered by poonambhatt213



Physical quantities - SI units

1. Mass - kilogram

2. Temperature - kelvin

3. Time - second

4.  luminous intensity - Candela

5. Force - Newton

6. Electric current - Ampere

7. Frequency -  hertz  

8. Amount of substance - mole

9. Pressure - Pascal

10. Power - watt

11. Capacitance - farad

12.Magnetic flux - weber

13. magnetic flux density - tesla

14. Illuminance - lux

15. Inductance - henry

16. Electric resistance - ohm

17. potential difference - volt

18. Energy - joule

19. Universal gravitational constant - Newton .Meter^2/ Kilogram^2​

20. velocity - meter per second (m/s)

21. Acceleration - metre per second squared (m/s^2)

22. work - joule

23. modulus of elasticity - pascal

24. kinematic viscosity - square meter per second (m^2/s)

25. Surface tension - newton per meter

26. Gas constant - joule per mole per kelvin (J/K mol)

27. Capacity - cubic metres or cubic centimetres.

28. Torque - Newton meter (N*m)

29. Charge - coulomb

30. Wavelength - meter

31. Volume - meter cube (m^3)

32. Moment of inertia - kilogrom meter squared. (kg*m^2)

33. Impulse - newton second

34. Polarization - Coulomb per square metre.

35. Entropy -  Joules per degree Kelvin

36. length - meter

37. radioactivity - becquerel (Bq)

38. Absorbed dose - gray

39. Area - meter squared (m^2)

40. Magnetization - ampere per metre (A/m)

41. Plane angle - radian

42. Solid angle - steradian

43. Angular position - radian

44. Angular velocity - radian per second

45. Electric field - newtons per coulomb (N/C) or volts per meter (V/m)

46. Conductivity - Siemens per meter (S/m).

47. Magnetic moment - ampere metre squared (A m^2)

48. Luminous energy - lumen second (lm⋅s)

49. Luminous flux - lumen

50. electric constant (Vacuum permittivity) - farad per meter

51. electrical resistivity - ohm meter

Answered by kanugurukalyani123


These are the physical quantities I found

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