Science, asked by Anonymous, 11 months ago



1Anushka12: Hii
1Anushka12: shivshankaranupa19po
SahimSha: Hii
SahimSha: Aarohi


Answered by 1Anushka12
Hey mate here is your answer

An Educated person is an authority on several topics for discussion for example Politics, Science, Religion, Cultures, geography, Chemistry etc where as a uneducated person will have no opinions on Politics, Science, Religion, Cultures of people through the word etc because they will not have any knowledge on those topics. An educated person is prepared for life and the difficult challenges that come with it. The educated person will have a good paying job or a phenomenal Career. Educated people are highly intellect possessing excellent communication skills. They will have many friends and family members who care for them deeply. They may be the life of the party. Every day with them is a welcoming challenge for self improvement overcoming new obstacles in life the goal is to for them to be a better person than they were the day before. even more.Educated people can afford to go on trips and other outdoor activities like Camping, Fishing etc where as uneducated people can not.

Uneducated people are lost in their own little world unable to communicate with people because of their lack of knowledge. Unable to work, unable to use their mind productively for example creating inventions,being able to problem solve any problem given, will have knowledge on just about everything in life. Educated people are usually very happy sociable people where as uneducated people tend to be loners, unhappy, uncontent with their lives, unable to think properly or may have poor communication skills and a lack of vocabulary skills that is required to have an intellectual conversation.Many people who are uneducated usually rely on Government funding to survive. They waste their days and nights doing absolutely nothing with their lives maybe shooting up needles, watching tv or playing video games all day.They are usually miserable and they are unapproachable.They may live in broken down homes with hand me down clothing and furniture.

Hope this answer will help you!!

1Anushka12: Hii
1Anushka12: Same to you
Anonymous: hii
Anonymous: how r you?
1Anushka12: Hello
1Anushka12: I am fine..
1Anushka12: What about you..??
Anonymous: i m fine
1Anushka12: okk
Anonymous: ha
Answered by roopa2000



A well-educated individual approaches every circumstance in life logically. Uninformed people might or might not act similarly. A person with an education is more conscious of his environment than an ignorant person is, including the social, political, and economic circumstances. Uneducated people tend to have more of an accepting and open mindset toward others.



1. They listen, and they hear.

An educated person understands how to pay attention to people and their environment, which may sound so obvious that it doesn't seem worth stating in today's distracted and overly busy society. They put a lot of effort into listening to other people. They can follow a line of reasoning, spot illogical thinking, hear the emotions underlying both logic and illogic, and finally sympathise with the individual experiencing those feelings.

2. They can converse with everyone.

An educated person can converse with anyone they meet, whether that person is a high school dropout or a Nobel laureate, a child or a patient near death in a hospital, a factory worker or a farmer or a corporate CEO. They can give a speech, make people laugh, ask thoughtful questions, and hold a conversation. Furthermore, an educated person engages in such conversation because they care about the other person, not because they enjoy talking about themselves. My buddy claims that one of the most crucial lessons his father ever taught him was that his role in the discussion was to "find out what's so essential that you can talk about it." anything the other person does is neat. It is difficult to think of a more concise way to describe this essential trait of the educated individual.


Qualities of a Liberally Educated Person

  • They hear, and they listen.
  • They can read and comprehend.
  • They can communicate with everyone.
  • They have the ability to write with clarity, persuasion, and emotion.
  • They have the ability to solve a wide range of riddles and issues.
  • They value rigour as a means of pursuing truth rather than for its own sake.


nonreader, illiterate person, and illiterate. An illiterate reader.

What do you call an uneducated person?

Ignorant, illiterate, unschooled, benighted, empty-headed, ignoramus, know-nothing, lowbrow, uncultivated, uncultured, uninstructed, unlearned, unlettered, unread, unrefined, untaught, untutored.

Uninitiated persons typically don't read any more than is necessary.

Who objects to having their opinions challenged.

  • Extreme egotism
  • who enjoys bragging.
  • Who regard money as the sole important factor.
  • A dislike of learning and good change.
  • Little or nonexistent empathy
  • who believe education just involves receiving a degree.

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