Mention the characteristics of the market mechanism system.
Characteristics of the market mechanism system.
1. In economics, the term market will refer to the market for one commodity or a set of commodities. For example a market for coffee, a market for rice, a market for TV’s, etc.
2. A market is also not restricted to one physical or geographical location. It covers a general wide area and the demand and supply forces of the region.
3. There must be a group of buyers and sellers of the commodity to constitute a market. And the relations between these sellers and buyers must be business relations.
4. Both the sellers and buyers must have access to knowledge about the market. There should be an awareness of the demand for products, consumer choices, and preferences, fashion trends, etc.
5. At any given time only one price can be prevalent in the market for the goods and services. This is only possible in the existence of perfect competition.