my favorite past time eassy
From the garden of plants;
Do I move towards the garden of inner joys;
The flowers dance on leaves,
And ideas dance on heartbeats and mind.
I have a beautiful lawn in my house. Whenever I can spare time, I take interest in cultivating beautiful flowers in it. I have grown flowers plants of rose, lily and sunflower. The sweet fragrance of the flowers gives me great pleasure. There is always something fresh before my eyes. It keeps me healthy, happy and fresh for the day’s labour. It is a source of physical exercise and aesthetic pleasure.
“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” (Keats)
I have the tools of the gardener. I have to do a lot of work with my own hands. I prepare the land and manure it. I water my plants regularly and protect them for the extreme weather. I have prepared many beds in it. Each bed contains flowers of different shapes and colours. I have also grown vegetables for our daily use. So, we do not purchase vegetables from the market.