name and explain the different types of operator in excel?
-Arithmetic operators in Excel:
+ Plus (addition)
- Minus (subtraction and negation)
* An asterisk (multiplication)
/ Slash (division)
% Percent
^ Caret (exponentiation)
-Comparison operators in Excel
Operators comparisons are used when we need to compare two values or two data. In working with these operators return us to TRUE or FALSE .
= Equal to
< Less than
> Greater than
>= Greater than or Equal to
<= Less than or Equal to
-Operators references in Excel
There are three operators references in working with Excel. These operators are helping us to combine multiple ranges of cells in calculations and formulas.
':' Range (colon)
';' Union (semicolon) or ',' (comma)
'space' intersection (blank character, using the Space key on your keyboard)
-Text operators in Excel
Working with content in Excel, you have the capacity link different pieces of content in a solitary unit. For this reason, you can utilize the & character (ampersand) that connect at least two qualities from various cells to create one nonstop content worth ("earth" & "is" & "round") and the outcome is (earth is round) in a solitary cell or (1 &2 & 3) the outcome is (123).