CBSE BOARD X, asked by souravchr8, 11 months ago

one little act of negligence or one small error can lead to the entire ruin how far is it applicable to the lives of matilda and her husband


Answered by sarveshkoranne

Answer:A small act of negligence can severely affect one's life temporarily or permanently in the case of Matilda.

Matilda thought of herself as an error in destiny and had a complaining prospective towards life. For the sake of looking good she made her husband compromise his dreams and then just to satisfy her thoughts she borrowed mme.loisel jewellery.

After party when she noticed that the necklace she was wearing is not there she turned pale and then after searching for hours when they could not find it she along with her husband had to repay Mme.loisel.In order to buy the same kind of necklace they took loans and then to repay them had to work day and night .Matilda who had never done hardwork in her life had to do house hold chores at others houses for money and lost her young looks and her husband also suffered same faith.The extent of the damage could be estimated when her friend Mme.loisel was still elegent looking while she (Matilda)looked like a d average working class lady.


Matilda's greedy nature and self-centred and careless attitude caused her what she praised the most her beauty and thus it is safe that little act of negligence can cause havoc.

Answered by smartbrainz

statement is true that one act of negligence or a small area can lead to the ruining of the entire family.


  • in the story there was an incidence of negligence by a doctor. As a result of this there was the loss of the father of Matilda and as a result of this the main earning member of the family died.
  • there was a lack of fund that was received by the family. They didn't get adequate amount of food and also their house rent was due. Hence a small error on negligence can ruin an entire family

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