One word with different meanings but same spelling
HOMONYMS are words that sound alike but have different meanings. Homophones are a type of homonym that also sound alike and have different meanings, but have different spelling
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hello friend,
these types of words are called HOMONYMS.
some of its examples are;
The noun bark refers to the outer covering of a tree. The verb bark refers to the sound a dog .
2. NAILSThe hard parts on your fingers and toes are your nails (you can also say fingernails and toenails, more specifically). Nails are also thin, sharp metal pieces used in construction.
3.JAMThe noun jam means a sweet paste made out of fruit. It is also called jelly.
The verb jam means to put something into a space that is too small for it. For example you would jam a week’s worth of clothes into a small backpack.
A traffic jam is when the cars on the road are very slow or stopped.
A pool (or swimming pool) is a man-made area of water, for swimming. Pool also refers to a game where you try to put the colored and numbered balls into the holes around the edges of the table. It can also be called billiards.
5. MINEThe word mine is a possessive adjective. For example, “The blue car is mine.”
Mine is also a noun. It can refer to the place where minerals are dug out of the earth (this activity is called mining, and the people who do it are called miners).
A mine or landmine also refers to a bomb that is buried underground; it will explode when someone steps on it or drives over it. These are used in war.